Kali Linux
This week I spent time installing Kali Linux. I will be running Kali on VMware Workstation 16. I do plan to try various installation methods in the future. I am most interested in having a bootable Kali USB and Kali on a dedicated Android phone.
Below are the tools I installed and/or verified that were on my Kali VM:
- Nmap
- Wireshark
- Aircrack-ng
- Osintgram
- Python3
- PIP3
The first test I did with my new Kali VM was to utilize nmap by pinging scanme.nmap.org. It is a pretty basic command however I wanted to sure I could ping that site.
The next thing I did in my Kali VM was to use theHarvester. I wanted to see what information was publicly available about Target. I set the search limit to 100 and source to Google. I found 1 host.
After finding the IP of, I wanted to verify that I received accurate information. I went over to ipinfo.io to verify that this IP is actually associated with Target. Below is a screenshot that does show the mentioned IP is associated with target.com.
Next I spent time within Wireshark. I started capturing data and went to Vox.com via Mozilla to see what data would be captured. Having learned about various protocols and the process that data is transmitted over a network is interesting, but actually seeing it in process is amazing. For the few seconds I was capturing data, Wireshark captured 2,226 packets. I was able to find when I went to Vox.com (№148) and what protocol and port was used (UDP 53 — DNS).
I also found it interesting to see ARP in action. You can see the network using the localhost to figure out what IP is assigned to a particular MAC.
Exploring Kali VM this week was a fun process. I still get nervous using various programs because some of them could be used for illegal activity. The information I gathered is publicly available and my intent is for education purposes. In the future I plan to setup a Metasploit VM in order to work in my own environment without the worry of accidentally doing something wrong.